1. 孙月,刘景泰. 一种基于RGB-D的室内服务机器人舒适跟随方法[J]. 机器人, 2019, 已录用.
2. 张森,刘景泰. 多维度服务情景的人的舒适需求建模研究[J]. 机器人, 2019, 已录用.
3. 韩建达,方勇纯,赵新,刘景泰.机器人的智能发育[J].人工智能,2018(4):6-13.
4. Gaofeng Li, Dezhen Song, Shan Xu, Lei Sun, and Jingtai Liu. Kinematic-free Orientation Control for a Deformable Manipulator based on the Geodesic in Rotation Group SO(3), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters 3, no. 3 (2018): 2432-2438.
5. Gaofeng Li, Dezhen Song, Lei Sun, Shan Xu, Hongpeng Wang, and Jingtai Liu. Static Force-based Modeling and Parameter Estimation for a Deformable Link Composed of Passive Spherical Joints with Preload Force, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automation Sinica, 2018.06.
6. Wei Yin, Lei Sun, Meng Wang, and Jingtai Liu. Nonlinear state feedback position control for flexible joint robot with energy shaping[J]. Robotics undefinedamp; Autonomous Systems 99 (2018): 121-134.
7. Lei Sun, Wei Yin, Meng Wang, and Jingtai Liu. Position Control for Flexible Joint Robot Based on Online Gravity Compensation with Vibration Suppression[J]. Transactions on Industrial Electronics 65, no. 6 (2018): 4840-4848.
8. 尹伟, 孙雷, 王萌, 刘景泰. 针对串联弹性驱动器抖动抑制的轨迹规划和跟踪控制[J]. 自动化学报, 2018.08, 44(8) : 1436-1445.
9. 郝洁, 李高峰, 孙雷, 许杉, 张森, 刘景泰. 基于视觉标志块间相对位姿的可变形臂标定方法[J]. 自动化学报, 2018.08,44(8): 1413-1424.
10. 徐福来, 王鸿鹏, 张普, 赵仲奇,刘景泰. 基于贝叶斯模型与最佳伙伴相似度量的目标跟踪[J]. 计算机应用研究,2018.08, 35(8): 264-268+292.
11. 许杉,李高峰,孙雷,刘景泰. 基于末端圆周运动的可变形臂旋量参数快速标定算法[J]. 机器人, 2018.07, 40(5): 607-618.
12. 李高峰, 许杉, 孙雷, 刘景泰. 面向非完全姿态约束问题的旋转矩阵群中的垂线理论[J]. 机器人, 2018.03, 40(2): 195-205.
13. Meng Wang, Lei Sun, Wei Yin, Shuai Dong, and Jingtai Liu. Continuous robust control for series elastic actuator with unknown payload parameters and external disturbances[J]. 自动化学报(英文版), 2017.10, 4(4): 620-627.
14. 王萌, 孙雷, 尹伟, 董帅, 刘景泰. 面向交互应用的串联弹性驱动器力矩控制方法[J]. 自动化学报, 2017.08, 43(8): 1319-1328.
15. 尹伟, 孙雷, 王萌, 刘景泰. 用于柔性关节机器人位置控制的幅值饱和非线性状态反馈控制器[J]. 机器人, 2017.07, 39(4): 458-465.
16. 许杉, 李高峰, 刘景泰, 郝洁. 基于点触任务的可变形臂逆运动学求解[J]. 机器人, 2017.7, 39(4): 405-414.
17. Xiang Lu, Kaiyan Yu, Yizhai Zhang, Jingang Yi, Jingtai Liu, and Qijie Zhao. Whole-Body Pose Estimation in Physical Rider-Bicycle Interactions With a Monocular Camera and Wearable Gyroscopes[J]. Journal of Dynamic Systems Measurement and Control-Transactions of the Asme, 2017.07,139(7).
18. 王萌, 孙雷, 尹伟, 董帅, 刘景泰. 一种面向交互应用的串联弹性驱动器有限时间输出反馈控制方法[J]. 机器人, 2016.9, 38 (5): 513-521.
19. 刘景泰, 张森, 孙月. 面向智能家居/智慧生活的服务机器人技术与系统[J]. 集成技术, 2016, 5(3). 38-46.
20. Ningbo Yu, Chang Xu, Huanshuai Li, Kui Wang, Liancheng Wang, and Jingtai Liu. Fusion of Haptic and Gesture Sensors for Rehabilitation of Bimanual Coordination and Dexterous Manipulation[J]. Sensors, 2016.03, 16(3).
21. 沈博闻, 于宁波, 刘景泰. 仓储物流机器人集群的智能调度和路径规划[J]. 智能系统学报, 2014.12, 9(6): 209-214.
22. Yingshi Wang, Lei Sun, Wenbin Yan, and Jingtai Liu. An analytic and optimal inverse kinematic solution for a 7-DOF space manipulator[J]. 机器人, 2014.09, 36(5): 592-599.
23. Yingshi Wang, Lei Sun, Jingtai Liu. Online Minimum-acceleration Trajectory Planning with the Kinematic Constraints[J]. 自动化学报, 2014.07, 40(7): 1328-1338.
24. Xiang Lu, Jingtai Liu, Kaiyan Yu, Yan Li, and Lei Sun. Pose Measurements Using Quaternion and Kalman Filter[J]. High Technology Letters, 2014.06, 20(2): 131-139.
25. 赵磊, 王鸿鹏, 董良, 刘景泰. 一种基于动力学模型的高速轮式移动机器人漂移运动控制方法[J]. 机器人, 2014.03, 36(2): 137-146.
26. 王英石, 孙雷, 刘景泰. 基于空间几何方法的乒乓球机器人最优姿态求取[J]. 机器人, 2014.03, 36(2): 203-209.
27. Xiang Lu, Jingtai Liu, Kaiyan Yu, Yan Li, and Lei Sun. Uncalibrated Visual Servoing Design for the Competitive Networked Robots[J]. High Technology Letters, 2013.12, 19(4): 413-421.
28. 钱海力, 王鸿鹏, 张森, 陈新伟, 刘景泰. 面向数据过程的机器人三维喷绘作业工艺的设计与优化[J]. 机器人, 2013.11, 35(6): 678-685.
29. 李岩, 曹琳, 孙雷, 刘景泰. 竞争型网络机器人体系结构研究[J]. 机器人, 2013.07, 35(4): 462-469.
30. 卢翔, 刘景泰, 李海丰, 李岩, 孙雷. 基于人工势场法的竞争型网络机器人攻防规划[J]. 机器人, 2013.03, 35(2): 218-226.
31. Xinwei Chen, Jingtai Liu, Shi Tao, Haili Qian, Kuo Chen, Qing Wei. 3D Printing Robot: Model Optimization and Image Compensation[J]. Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 2012.08, 10(3): 273-279.
32. 李海丰, 刘景泰. 一种优化的消失点估计方法及误差分析[J]. 自动化学报, 2012.02, 38(2): 218-224.
33. 陈新伟,刘景泰,林森,石涛,陈阔,魏青. 大型实景地理模型3D喷绘机器人及其喷绘方法优化[J]. 自动化学报, 2012.01, 38(1): 23-30.
34. 于凯妍, 刘景泰, 卢翔, 李海丰, 李岩, 孙雷. 竞争型机器人仿真系统设计与实现[J]. 机器人, 2011.11, 33(6): 649-657.
35. 卢翔, 刘景泰, 于凯妍, 李海丰, 李岩, 孙雷. 面向竞争型网络机器人的运动目标快速检测[J]. 机器人, 2011.11, 33(6): 658-665.
36. 张正, 刘景泰, 王鸿鹏. 基于排队网络的网络服务器性能分析与优化[J]. 计算机应用, 2010.12, 30(12): 3148-3150.
37. 刘景泰, 李海丰, 孙雷, 黄际劲, 张星星, 李岩. Tele-LightSaber——一种高对抗度竞争型网络机器人系统[J]. 机器人, 2009.11, 31(6): 505-512.
38. J.yi, H. Wang, J. Zhang, D. Song, S. Jayasuriya, and Jingtai Liu. Kinematic Modeling and Analysis of Skid-Steered Mobile Robots with Applications to Low-Cost Inertial Measurement Unit-Based Motion Estimation[J]. IEEE Transactions on Robotics (T-RO), 2009.10, 25(5): 1087-1097.
1. Wei Yin, Lei Sun, Wang Meng, and Jingtai Liu. Robust Position Control of Series Elastic Actuator with Sliding Mode Like and Disturbance Observer. 2018 Annual American Control Conference (ACC)
2. Meng Wang, Lei Sun, Wei Yin, Shuai Dong, and Jingtai Liu. Continuous Finite-Time Control Approach for Series Elastic Actuator[C]. IEEE Internation Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016.12: 843-848.
3. Meng Wang, Lei Sun, Wei Yin, Shuai Dong, and Jingtai Liu. Nonlinear Disturbance Observer Based Torque Control for Series Elastic Actuator[C]. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016.10:286-291.
4. Wulin Zou, Wen Tan, Zhuo Yang, Meng Wang, Jingtai Liu, and Ningbo Yu. Impedance Control of a Cable-driven Series Elastic Actuator Using the 2-DOF Control Method[C]. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2016.10:3347-3352.
5. Ningbo Yu, Kui Wang, Yuan Li, Chang Xu, and Jingtai Liu. A Haptic Shared Control Algorithm for Flexible Human Assistance to Semi-Autonomous Robots[C]. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2015.09: 5241-5246.
6. Xiang Lu, Kaiyan Yu, Yizhai Zhang, Jingang Yi, and Jingtai Liu. Whole-body Pose Estimation in Physical Rider-bicycle Interactions with a Monocular Camera and Wearable Gyroscopes. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2014.09: 4124-4129.
7. Haifeng Li, Dezhen Song, Yan Lu, and Jingtai Liu. A Two-View based Multilayer Feature Graph for Robot Navigation[C]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2012.05: 3580-3587.
8. Hongpeng Wang, Junjie Zhang, Jingang Yi, Dezhen Song, Jayasuriya S., Jingtai Liu. Modeling and motion stability analysis of skid-steered mobile robots[C]. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2009.05: 4112-4117.